Stop lying to yourself



If you are sensitive or easily offended please do yourself a favour and read no further because you might not like with what I’ve got to say.

So you’re still with me - great.

Now, if you haven’t been to the gym this year it’s about time you stop making excuses and take a good HARD look at yourself.

Stop lying to yourself, it’s pathetic!

No, you won’t go in tomorrow – chances are if you haven’t been in the 30 or so days since Christmas you will find another excuse not to go in tomorrow either.

Just face it, exercise is a habit and you’ve broken it. Now it’s going to take a herculean effort, or dare I say a health scare, to re-establish your relationship with exercise.  

Do yourself a favour tonight when you’re having a shower. Take off your rose-coloured glasses and have a good, hard look at what you see in the mirror.

That layer that you see jiggling is NOT MUSCLE – it is FAT. 

Muscle does not jiggle – Fat does!

Now, seeing that we’ve broached that F word, let me tell you a few facts about it.

·      Fat is toxic.

·      Fat is unhealthy.

·      Excessive fat can lead to a heart condition.

·      Excessive fat can cause cancer.

·      Excessive fat caused by a poor diet and lack of physical exercise can lead to diabetes.

What you see jiggling in the mirror is the start of excessive fat, and fat breeds faster than rabbits and is just as hard to eradicate. 

Now that you’re nice and clean after showering, pull out one of your favourite clothing items, one that you wore when you were at your fighting best.

Yes, try it on!

What, it’s tight?

No it hasn't shrunk, it’s just reaffirmed what that dirty scoundrel lying bathroom mirror told you a few minutes ago.


The lack of physical exercise and the over consumption of junk food and alcohol has caused that. 

Maybe you’re thinking the mirror is lying and your clothes have shrunk, so against all sensible advice and common sense you decide to stand on the scales.

What the fuck?!! That can’t be right! You’ve gained weight? They’re probably not calibrated properly right?

Deep down you know that’s Bullcrap. Your bones have not thickened. As you’ve heard me say many a time, “I’ve never seen a fat skeleton”.

And the weight gain can’t be muscle, because apart for using your arms to lift your fork and glass to your mouth, you have not lifted a weight to save your soul.

So now REALITY sets in. You have to do something about it before it’s too late.


Now go to your alarm clock.

Set it for an hour earlier than this morning.

Take your gym clothes out of the moth balls.

Go to sleep.

When the alarm rings in the morning – get straight up. DO NOT PRESS THE SNOOZE BUTTON. 

Brush your teeth and head straight for the gym where I’ll greet you a smile, a few words of sarcasm and a hot espresso (no sugar or milk).

Ask me what you should do and I’ll set you straight by asking you to do a beginner’s program. Yes, a beginner’s program because the last thing you want is injury!

But hey don’t fret, you’re one of the lucky ones that haven’t left it too late.

Yes, your body will hurt like hell for the next few days but in a few short weeks you will be back to normal.

In closing, I’m sorry if I’ve offended you (not really) but it had to be said. :)

Posted on February 2, 2020 and filed under Motivation.